Responsible action
In the context of responsible corporate management Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR for short), social aspects are gradually being systematically integrated into all areas of the company’s activities at Klaeser.
This applies to the design of our products and services, the way we present ourselves to our customers or other business contacts, ecologically relevant issues relating to the environment and sustainability, through to relationships with our employees in the workplace and interaction with our neighbors and the community.
UN Global Compact
By joining the UNGC initiative, we have committed ourselves to the Ten Principles for Sustainable Corporate Governance and the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
Against the backdrop of current global challenges, it is particularly important for us to reaffirm our commitment to greater sustainability and to the Ten Principles. For this reason, we are now also a member of the
UN Global Compact Network Germany e. V.
We also support public accountability and the need for transparency and are therefore committed to reporting on our progress in accordance with the CoP guidelines of the UN Global Compact, starting in 2024 and annually thereafter.
About UN Global Compact
Code of conduct for suppliers
Our participation and commitment in the UN Global Compact
Klaeser Internationale Fachspedition und Fahrzeugbau GmbH is committed to ecologically, socially and ethically responsible corporate management geared towards long-term value creation.
We strive to continuously optimize our business activities and our products and services in terms of sustainability and ask our suppliers to contribute to this in the sense of a holistic approach.
We expect our suppliers to comply with the applicable national and international laws and the principles of the UN Global Compact in their activities.
The following code of conduct based on the United Nations Global Compact applies to future cooperation with immediate effect.
Show code of conduct
In addition, Klaeser has repeatedly undergone a CSR assessment by Ecovadis, most recently in 2023. Once again, a good result was achieved with a Silver rating.
Our scorecard can be made available to our business contacts, such as the TfS initiative of the chemical industry, on request.
Social action
Support for civil emergency preparedness
Klaeser has been prepared for years to support the civil emergency preparedness of the state of NRW in an emergency in order to maintain the system-relevant freight traffic flows and logistics chains in future crisis situations.
Partnership with the Kuniberg vocational college in Recklinghausen
For Klaeser, it is very important not to leave any talent undiscovered in view of the already noticeable shortage of skilled workers. The search for talent begins in schools.
The Kuniberg Berufskolleg in Recklinghausen and Klaeser are official cooperation partners in the “School-Company Partnership” project of the North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).
Klaeser invites pupils from the Kuniberg vocational college to take part in company tours and internships to give them an insight into the world of work and present the training opportunities on offer at the company. Our employees prepare students for the application process.
The company also takes part in the school’s internal study and apprenticeship exchange and regularly informs the school about vacancies.